Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Samurai SLICE!

SAMURAI! This video is really cool. The slow motion cinematographer, and the amazing quality of picture is truly a fascinating insight to the death of the tomato. The high contrast in color allows the visual to be powerful, impact-full and make a lasting impression. The water and juice flying out of the tomato is a mesmerizing moment. The samurai slice is soooo sweet! I had a bit of fear that the camera was too close to the tomato and it was about to get sliced. I think that very tension is what fuels this picture to be effective and exciting. The egg slice is just as awesome, seeing it split and slide open like that. Having the high speed camera allow the viewer to witness something like this is such a technological opportunity for opening a new perspective being that this event is nearly impossible to discern in real time. SCHOOOooooooo.


  1. I found this video to be just as great Amelia! You're right about how mesmerizing the juice is flying out. The quality of this picture is excelent and I love how the bright red tomatoe stands out.

  2. This is really cool. I reminds me of that show that is on the discovery channel where thay find cool stuff to film with high speed cameras. On this show, they filmed a guy cracking a whip that was soaked in gas and lit on fire. Stuff is so cool in slow motion....anywhay. Just think what that sword can do to a body....that's why you don't mess with samuri. (that rhymes)
