This interview with Hélène Cixous is highly intellectual at first, but as it settles reveals very interesting perspectives. In her interveiw, Cixous explicates the intellectual as a universal sort of capability. This concept works with and against culture, to address the phenomenon; Phallocentrism. Cixous, a french feminist is part of a feminist movement that is really very differant from "material" feminism. The difference is that the material feminist beleives that women should push to rise above the phallogocentric (masculine/male centered) system to be the new leader. That women are greater and have been oppressed, women are to come up and conquer the pyramid structure. The once weak woman in history has been hitting the glass ceiling and must break free. Now, french feminism deconstructs all structure so that there is a sort of anarchy thread among all humans, and there is no pyramid, there is no glass ceiling. Women are empowered already and always have been in there own way. They are already rooted deep within the earth and there is no great wall they need to conquer- There is no wall. The perspective simply changes internally within the many complexes of what makes a human and the defininities of gender. The woman does not need to become more like man in order to be less opressed. Women should be women, and know that in macrocosims, the return to or the persistence with their own natural qualities is simply...beautiful.
This breif window into a larger film shows the clean and clear cinematography that establishes time and place. I also enjoy that we see the interveiwerer and that we as the viewers are allowed to follow along the journey of the interveiwer and naturally see topics unfold with the interveiwee.